General Rules

1. The league shall be called the "Stamford & District Bowls League" and conform to the current Laws of the English Bowling Federation.
2. Membership of the club shall be open to all clubs in the Stamford & District area and will be for mixed bowling. Players can only be registered to play in the Stamford & District Bowls League, providing they are paid up members of their club.
3. The league shall be composed of one or more divisions depending on the number of teams entered or requiring admission. New clubs must be approved by the Executive Committee.
4. The constitution of the divisions shall be decided by the Executive Committee and will comprise an equal (or nearest equal) number of teams in each Division. At the end of the season the top 2 teams from Division 2 and 3 will be promoted automatically and the bottom 2 teams from Division 1 and 2 will be relegated. However, in order to maintain equality of numbers between the Divisions and allow for the introduction or resignation of a team/club, the number of teams relegated from any Division may have to be adjusted at the discretion of the executive committee.
5. The League shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprising of Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Competition Secretary plus a representative from each Division. The officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. Nomination forms for the League Officials to be circulated, showing existing officials and their willingness to continue in their present positions, and asking for further nominations.
6. The Committee shall have the power to fill any vacancy arising from the death, resignation or lack of attendance (three consecutive meetings without reasonable apology) of a committee member.
7. The Executive Committee will meet as necessary with four members required to form a quorum.
8. Individual team-captains or their nominated representatives are required to attend all properly convened meetings.
9. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on a date no later than November 30 in each succeeding year. Extraordinary General Meetings or Special Meetings may be called any time by the Executive committee or on a request of a motion signed by not less than 50% of League Clubs. All notices of such meetings to be made in writing to all League Clubs 14 days prior to the date of any meeting.
10. All clubs will be allowed TWO votes at the AGM, EGM or Special Meetings on registration and receipt of voting-cards.
11. All clubs in the League will pay an annual subscription per team payable at the pre-season captains' meeting, plus a registration fee for each player providing they are paid up members of their club. Team entry charges and player registration fees will be determined annually at the AGM.
12. The standard dress for all matches will be white above the waist, grey below. Club shirts are acceptable subject to each team member being identically dressed and having been approved by the Executive Committee. Ladies may wear tailored trousers in regulation grey. All members of the Stamford & District League should be allowed to wear grey tailored shorts , as worn by golfers but not cargo, football or cut-offs. Players will wear white, brown, grey, or black smooth-soled heel-less footwear.
13. Team captains will register their TEAM and pay an annual subscription per team player to the League Treasurer at the pre-season meeting, which will be held no later than three weeks before May 1 each year. After this date any additions can be made by notifying the Secretary on the form provided 24 hours prior to taking part in a league fixture.
14. All player-transfers must be made in writing to the League Secretary on the appropriate form. A player transfer can only take place provided the player concerned has not competed in any league match(es) for that club more than 6 times. An appearance in a cup match would not allow that player to play again in that cup for another club. A player must not play for another club until his transfer has been properly approved and acknowledgement received from the League Secretary. This applies to the league matches ONLY; cup competitions have their own separate rules.
15. Each competing TEAM shall comprise of nine registered TEAM players playing two-bowl triples or by a reduced number of players in adverse circumstances. (See also Match Rule 2a). Each team shall play home and away matches with all other teams in that appropriate division.
16. Any team playing an ineligible player will forfeit the points gained in the fixture(s) where the offence(s) took place. In the event of a team not turning up to play a competition match they will incur a £20 fine.
17. Any disputes or complaints are to be tendered in writing to the League Secretary within seven days of the incident and the complainants will be offered the opportunity to present their case at a properly convened meeting of the Executive Committee, who will have the power to deal with that complaint.
18. The winners of each division and of the cup competitions organised by the League will receive a trophy to be held for 12 months only. Holders must give a satisfactory guarantee for the safe keeping of these trophies and return them to the Executive Committee 14 days prior to the next presentation of the trophies. The Executive Committee is also empowered to purchase prizes for the winners and runners-up of each division and cup competitions (numbers to be at the discretion of the committee).
19. Clubs accepted into the Stamford & District Bowls League shall at all times abide by the governing rules and decisions of the Executive Committee.
20. Proposed amendments to these rules and those relating to League competitions shall be submitted in writing to the League Secretary at least 28 days prior to the next succeeding Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting. Such notice shall be sent to all clubs with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meetings. Amendments to proposed Alteration of Rules must be submitted in writing to the League Secretary seven days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting
21. Any eventuality or condition not specifically covered by the aforementioned rules shall be dealt with by the Executive Committee, whose decision shall then become absolute and in precedent. Emails are deemed as "in writing".